Rics Reviews

Usual Suspects

Usual Suspects Mystery films that keep the viewer guessing and then rocks them with a “big reveal” at the end are nothing new. Some are good, some are bad, and some are classics. This 1995 thriller from Bryan Singer (which allowed him to go on the A-list and make some overblown comic book films) definitely […]

Rics Reviews

V For Vendetta

V For Vendetta One of the saddest phenomenoms in all of this world that we live in is that any form of government, whether or not they present themselves openly in their ideology as being either “liberal” or “conservative” invariably always descends into becoming some basic form or level of outright fascism, particularly when it […]

Rics Reviews


Valkyrie Sometimes in this world there are stories that NEED to be told, even if (unfortunately) the execution of said story is not really up to par. Thus is the case with this 2008 release, timed to coincide with the Oscar race but instead being found to not be exactly worthy of that distinction, especially […]

Rics Reviews

Video Dead

Video Dead Low budget zombie films are all well and good for young amateur filmmakers to show off their various makeup and camera skills, but since George A. Romero had beaten everybody to the punch in perfecting the formula for the subgenre with his Living Dead films (and Dan O’Bannon had added a nice exclamation […]

Rics Reviews


Videodrome Many times, the only way to make a ripple in the world of cinema is to start a revolution. You might not get the immediate response you were looking for, but time and the hardcore dedication of certain fanbases can ultimately change the game forever. As it was the case in 1983 when David […]

Rics Reviews

A View To A Kill

A View To A Kill Unfairly lambasted by many as being the worst of the series, the truth is that Roger Moore in his seventh and what he knew to be his last outing as James Bond appears to be an effort to go all out by the filmmakers to send Moore out in style. […]

Rics Reviews

Village Of The Damned

Village Of The Damned John Carpenter has had one hell of a career, one of the greatest ever, but in many ways what he is and always has been was a good old fashioned B movie director, whose atmospheres and impeccable sense of style made his efforts a cut above the rest. Take this film […]

Rics Reviews

Visiting Hours

Visiting Hours Misogyny has often been said to be a VERY common and underlying factor in the horror / slasher subgenre, especially when it comes to the factor that since yes, people are brutally murdered in slashers, but usually the males (if there are any) are treated to quick, perfunctory deaths while the females (several […]

Rics Reviews


Volunteers People often forget that before Tom Hanks became the Oscar favorite dramatic actor he is today, he was one of the sharpest and quickest witted comedy stars of the 80s, and this 1985 film is sadly one of his most overlooked and underrated entries of the era. Playing a rich, snobby, Yale graduate (complete […]

Rics Reviews

Walk The Line

Walk The Line   Biographical films can always be a tricky thing in using actors to portray famous figures whose general look and demeanor are already of great familiarity to the moviegoing public.  But the pressure mounts even moreso when said film is about a famous musician since not only must the main actor impersonate […]